Level 1 Foundation of Thai Massage

Duration: 30 hours (5 days) Mon – Fri 09.00-16.00
Course Date: Open Monday: See Schedule below
Prerequisite:     None
Offer with No Extra Charge:
  • Textbook "Ancient Thai Massage Healing With Prana: Fourth Edition" value 890 Baht
  • An Earth Bag hand painted by special children.
  • Herbal tea, practice clothes, transportation in pickup zone.
  • Digital file for Memory of Your Time at TMC
Translated Workbook: Some levels are in some languages such as Russian, German, Vietnamese, Romanian, Spanish, Chinese, Dutch, French, and Japanese.
Available at the production cost for student in class who need the language.
Please write for update details.
Course Fee:     

8,500 Baht (7,650 Baht with 10% Discount) 

Take Level 1&2:  Check course date at Level 2. Click
Take Level 1-2-3 Check course date at Level 3 and Comprehensive. Click


Level 1 Foundation of Thai Massage builds a strong foundation for students the knowledge of ancient Thai massage positions cover the entire body-total 160 positions plus a full day of 2 hour full body massage training. In general, it takes 2-3 weeks in normal learning to cover all positions; however it is possible at TMC, with the teaching system of clear demonstrations.

Teacher gives clear- details explanation, how to find the line, sitting and hand positions. Students have TMC textbooks in hands to refer to stretching effect and caution. TMC curriculum, Foundation of Thai Massage level 1 covers whole body massage positions of head, neck, shoulder, facial, back on side lying, back massage face down, arm, abdominal, leg, stretching and closing of session.

Students practice in pair after demonstration with teacher's closed supervision. According to TMC systematic teaching process, students can learn and absorb all 160 positions—a full body massage session in 5 day learning.

Students also learn general knowledge on Thai massage regarding safe practice, cautionary area and contraindication to massage. The complete explanations are in the given textbook "Ancient Thai Massage Healing with Prana": Fourth Edition".

Course Content Level I: Foundation of Thai Massage

Day 1
Introduction to School.
Yogi Exercise, Hand-Knee exercise, meditation.
Introduction: Hand and sitting position in Thai Massage.
Lesson 1: Head massage demonstration / practice
Lesson 2: Neck massage demonstration / practice
Lesson 3: Shoulder massage demonstration / practice
Practice lesson 1-3
Lesson 4: Face massage demonstration & practice / practice
Lunch and rest
Lesson 5: Back massage on side lying position demonstration / practice.
Break for tea
Review Lesson 1,2,3 / spot check to improve technique lesson 1,2,3.

Day 2
Lecture on General Knowledge of Thai Massage.
Hand-Knee exercise, meditation.
Lesson 6: Back massage face down position demonstration.
Lunch and rest
Practice Lesson 6: Back massage face down position.
Lesson 7: Arm massage demonstration / practice.
Break for tea
Continue Lesson 7: Arm massage / practice.
Review Lesson 6 and Lesson 7.
Pressure check with teacher for effective massage.

Day 3
Yogi Exercise, Hand-Knee exercise, meditation.
Lesson 8: Abdominal massage demonstration / practice.
Lesson 9: Leg massage demonstration /practice.
Lunch and rest
Continue Lesson 9: Leg massage demonstration / practice.
Break for tea
Review Lesson 9 leg massage / spot check and pressure check.

Day 4
Yogi Exercise, Hand-Knee exercise, meditation.
Lesson 10: Body stretching demonstration/ practice.
Lesson 11: Conclusion demonstration /practice.
Lunch and rest
Demonstration of Whole Body Massage.
Break for tea
Practice according to students’ need to cover any lessons.

Day 5
Yogi Exercise, Hand-Knee exercise, meditation.
Students perform whole body Thai massage with partner as follows:
1: Massages head (Lesson 1), neck (Lesson 2), shoulder (Lesson 3), face
(Lesson 4) and back side lying (Lesson 5) and switch.
2: Massages (Lesson 6) 5 techniques and switch.
Lunch and rest
1: Massage technique 6 back facedown (Lesson 6) and switch.
2: Massages arm (Lesson 7), abdomen (Lesson 8), and 1 leg (Lesson 9) and
Break for tea
3: Massages body stretching (Lesson 10) and closing (Lesson 11) and switch.

Practical test is a part of an on-going evaluation by the teacher during practical training of each lesson, correction are made along the training to assist student until able to perform each position adequately.
A short quiz is given during the week.

Completion of Level I course. 

Note: Class schedule time-table may be adjusted according to the students' level of understanding. However, all lessons will be completed within the course time.


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The school has very high standard that we never learn from where else. Thank to great teachers who teach me both knowledge and ethic of being giver."
Yardrapar Parcharoen