TMC School Thailand while in operation was accredited by these organizations.
To support our international students for their education in Thai massage and continuing education for the professional in the field to renew their licensing, TMC has pioneered the continuing education by started application for this process for the Thai massage schools in Thailand. Thus, making it possible today for many massage schools to offer continuing education hours to international students from around the world in Thailand.

Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai is approved by the (USA) National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education approved provider. American Massage Therapist Association Members of AMTA may take CE courses at TMC under same guideline as NCBTMB For course list click here
TMC is the first Thai massage school in Thailand to be recognized by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic and Body Work (NCBTMB)
of the USA and received approval for CE Provider # 403533-00 since 2004 and continue until the present time with approval of 24 courses for the NCBTMB members to explore their learning Thai massage field.
Florida Board of Massage
Georgia Board of Massage
California Registered Nurses
the California State Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP 15177, for 30 Contact Hours"
TMC is the only Thai massage school authorized by the California State Board of Registered Nursing as approved provider #CEP 15177 to offer courses in Thai Massage to California registered nurses in Thailand. This is the encouraging steps for Thai massage to be a part of healing for California nurses to apply with their patients who can benefit from this healing art.
This deed is most honored by Jan – the co -founder of TMC from spending over 20 years as a registered nurse in California and finally able to bring the art of Thai massage that she believes in the healing benefits to the hands of California nurses.
Massage & Myotherapy Australia. TMC is accredited by Massage & Myotherpy Australia (formally AAMT) for Professional Massage Education (CEP)
For course list click here
When MMA members inquired TMC if we could apply for CEP provider status so the students can earn continuing education credit for their association, we contact the association for this regard. What we received was the notion that after reviewing TMC application and curriculum details, the management team of MMA would like to visit the school to evaluate prior to making the decision.
In 2005, TMC was the first school Australia Association of Massage Therapists ever awarded CEP status outside Australia and continue to be in good standing.
MMA and TMC also engaged in the exchange of education by setting study group tour for MMA members along with board of director members to TMC school for Thai massage education.MMA had invited TMC directors to join MMA conference and workshop in Australia with successful result of full - house attendance for the workshop in Thai Seated Massage.
Both institutions continue strong friendship in building the same goal of high standard education for their members and other learners.
Recently, Tricia Hughes CEO of MMA appeared at TMC International Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand as the keynote speaker on 4th Feb 2017 on the How to Build a Credible and Successful Business with enthusiastic welcome from the participants. Follow with a warm visit to TMC school.
Natural Health Practitioners of Canada:NHPC
Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai isapproved by the National Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC) for Continued Competency Program. For course list click here.
NHPC acknowledge TMC as the Thai massage school for their members since 2004 and with several exchange group study tours for NHPC members to TMC. TMC director was invited to present lecture during NHPC conference in Canmore to present lecture of Thai massage to the NHPC conference in 2008.
TMC was honored by the official visit of NHPC General Manager.
Both TMC and NHPC continue to join efforts to improve the quality of Thai massage for the benefit of the public.
Today, expanding world of massage field being an important healthcare as alternative healing, interested learners are seeking globally in the field of massage knowledge. For people wishing to have quality and genuine education in Thai massage, the task of selecting massage school and college in a faraway places—like Thailand is a major task.
The prudent way is to investigate education places for their standard, integrity, honesty, quality and above all sincerely and trustworthy.
Credentials stand for education. The school or college must earn approved license from government agency to function and operate as such. This is one part that students need to look for. However, like everything else in the world, sometimes, only stamp of approval may not be sufficient.
What would be the right way to seek the right one then?
What matters more than credentials is honesty. The education providers must be able to perform what they promise to give and stand for the principle of truth and quality education. Hence, choosing a place for education by looking for having both credentials and honesty is the first step to succeed in one’s learning adventure.
Thai Massage Demonstration at TMC School
A Day of Thai Massage Class at TMC School